Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Seeds of Inspiration

Boy and I have recently become proud parents. Panic not. Before you worry this blog will be over run with bootee patterns and matinee jackets, let me explain.

We don't have actual children. Nor is it the up-coming event. Put your head between your knees and breathe. That dizzy sensation will soon pass.

The management company that owns our building has recently tidied up the ground at the front of the property. During this time, we were able to secure a small plot for our very own. Today I spent some time putting in some new vegetable plants.

The butternut squash will be gorgeous in a risotto.

Of course there is fibre in my garden.

An interesting mix of surfaces and textures.

Different leaves and structures.

This garden has a dual purpose. The obvious one is an ever-changing source of visual inspiration and that is true. The different leaf shapes, the way the sunshine highlights the veins, the mixture of textures, all of these are elements that feed my work but my garden is more than that. I remember in a lecture once, the topic was creative blocks. Specifically how we overcome them. The answer is not to torture the problem into submission but to do something else. I have a number of strategies. The shower is a favourite problem solving place for me as is kneading bread in my kitchen. Gardening is another activity that I find incredibly helpful. There is something about pulling weeds, that allows my brain to free wheel towards an answer. All of a sudden I have a tidy patch of garden and the solution to a design problem.

Not only will I grow vegetables that will be good for my body, I'll be able to weed which is good for the soul.



  1. You had me worried for a while there....but I am glad to see that you have finally got your garden up and running :) Are our phone calls going to be full of greenfly remedies now?....

    1. Quite probably. Along with how greenfly are inspiring me. x
